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Maintenance method of elbow bend pipe

Long-term storage of elbows and elbows should be inspected regularly, often exposed to the processing surface must be kept clean...

Maintenance method of elbow bend pipe

1. Long-term storage of elbows and elbows should be inspected regularly, often exposed to the processing surface must be kept clean, remove dirt, neatly stored in a ventilated and dry place indoors, strictly prohibited stacking or open storage. Often keep elbows dry and ventilated, keep the machine clean and tidy, in accordance with the accurate storage method.

2. When installing, the elbow elbow can be connected directly to the pipeline and installed according to the position used. Under normal circumstances, can be installed in any position on the pipeline, but it needs to be easy to control the test, pay attention to cut-off elbow media flow should be downstream longitudinal disc, elbow elbow can only be installed horizontally. Elbow should be tighten in installation to prevent leakage and affect the normal operation of the pipeline.

3. When the ball valve, globe valve and gate valve of elbow elbow are used, they are only opened or closed completely, and are not allowed to regulate the flow rate, so as to avoid erosion of the sealing surface and accelerate wear and tear. The gate valve and the upper threaded globe valve are provided with an inverted sealing device, and the handwheel is rotated to the upper position and tightened to prevent the medium from leaking from the packing.



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